Financing Your Investments and Projects

At the beginning of 2014, ACES Srl launched it Financing division. As an Italian Exporter, ACES can trigger the Export Credit facilities of the EU Export Credit Agencies (ECA) such as Sace, Euler Hermes, Coface, ECGD and the like.
The goal is to offer our Clients credit options to ease the realisation of their projects. In fact, Export Credit and Buyer’s Credit allows our Clients to have:

  • Access to cheaper crediteurini
  • Deferred payments (6-60 months)
  • Better Cash flow planning
  • Less risk

All these factors will give our Clients a competitive advantage over their competitors and consequently will help them grow their businesses.

Our Clients will be able to access this credit both during the tender phase as well as during the execution phase of the project. In fact, by taking advantage of this credit option during the tender phase, our Clients will be able to offer deferred payments to the end user. This will put them at an advantage over the other bidders. Alternatively, they will choose to use this credit option once the tender has been won.

This service integrates seamlessly with our existing logistics and export services and is the prime example of innovative export financing combined with strategic bundling of our various competencies: ACES Srl will organize an ECA-covered credit to finance our Clients' project/investment, we will have the structure to procure all foreign supplies through a EU country and we will provide all logistics and export services. This bundling of suppliers and services will make the realization of the project much simpler because the Client will have to deal only with ACES Srl rather than numerous separate suppliers.
